Lead/led - "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."
Published on June 12, 2009 By ShelbyGT_The_Car In WinCustomize Talk

Let's start with the most common verb form of "lead": It's pronounced leed, with a long e, and it means, more or less, "to guide," "to direct," or "to be first." So far so good. Its past tense is "led," pronounced with a short e. So, "lead"=present, "led"=past. Sounds easy, right?

The reason this gets confusing is that "lead" can also be a noun. With a long e it means "the person in front" or "leash" or "the first card played" or "the distance a base runner is from the base," as well as some others. But it can also be pronounced with a short e, in which case it's the metal that's in a pencil. (Or was, before lead poisoning, but anyway.) So because "lead" can properly be pronounced with a short e, it's easy to think that that's how the past tense of the verb is spelled--but it's not.

Harry leads his year in detentions
Jack has led SG-1 into some interesting situations.
The lead in my pencil needs sharpening.
Why isn't your dog on a lead?
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Jim led Blair to the temple.

In example:

You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But You Can't Make It Drink ( you can show people how do do things, but people must help themselves ... )
(proverb) says that you can give people what they need to help themselves, but you can't force them to do it; people need to help themselves. Example: "I told her exactly what to do, but she didn't listen to me." Reply: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 14, 2009

Somehow I suspect that once again we're rowing the same boat.

Tho I suspects us 'd actually git somewhar if'n everyone wos rowin' in tha same direcshun... like all tha rowers in tha longboat wur facin' tha same way, mebbe then us'd reach tha shore.


on Jun 15, 2009



Could have...should have...did not. It's all about saving paper. Scrunch it all up and one less tree gets chopped down. This way when we're in the boat and everyone's rowing this way and that we just might get someplace...maybe...sometime......


on Jun 15, 2009

This way when we're in the boat and everyone's rowing

That thar's all well n' good... 'cepting they cuts down that thar "one less tree' t' build tha boat.

on Jun 15, 2009

EEEUUUWWWWW, This has gone bad I think?  Smell this!!!!

on Jun 15, 2009

EEEUUUWWWWW, This has gone bad I think? Smell this!!!!

I couldn't care less, I'm eating it.

on Jun 15, 2009

EEEUUUWWWWW, This has gone bad I think? Smell this!!!!

Oh well, that'll teach you to go for a third helping of curried cabbage.

I couldn't care less, I'm eating it.

And so you should, my good man... curried cabbage never hurt anyone... 'cepting perhaps the missus on 'Dutch Ovens' night.

on Jun 15, 2009

Somehow I suspect that once again we're rowing the same boat.

Tho I suspects us 'd actually git somewhar if'n everyone wos rowin' in tha same direcshun... like all tha rowers in tha longboat wur facin' tha same way, mebbe then us'd reach tha shore.

Howzit possible? You're upside down!

on Jun 15, 2009

There is no such thing as 'more pregnant'.  Pregnant is an absolute.

Same goes for 'full'.

and 'empty'.

on Jun 15, 2009

There is no such thing as 'more pregnant'. Pregnant is an absolute.

Same goes for 'full'.

Hehe, back when I was drinking there were times when I got more full than others... on the occasions I only got half full, well that was because I ran out of funds and couldn't get completely pissed.

on Jun 15, 2009

In all seriousness, none of this matters. Immigrants refuse to learn the language so in a decade or so we won't know whether people mean up or down.

I'm not too sure if it's "refusal"............. I've seen anything and everything in whatever language You can name, and I too have wondered, why haven't all these poeple learned English by now ??? On Saturday I made an observation and I think I've found the answer! I saw an ad for English lessons that I've seen hundreds of times before on the side of an N.Y.C. M.T.A bus .......and then it hit Me!!!! ( No, not the bus!!! ) The ad is in English!!!!

on Jun 15, 2009

And RedneckDude shoulda oughtta learned 'em Suthin the way its spoke.

Whut tha......


Yall can leed a hoss to watur, but bahfor ya do.................................



jiss rumimbur how a wet hoss smells!!   

on Jun 15, 2009

Here's one that really chaps my ass....when the President of the U.S. says nucular!!!    I could just smack him! That was George Dubya, by the way. Said it all the time. It's N-U-C-L-E-A-R!!!!   Pronounced noo-clee-urr !!!

on Jun 15, 2009

I may very well be a redneck, but it kills me to hear people say things like, "I done it already."  or " I seen that yesterday!"  Or even " I done did that!"   You hear these a lot here in the sticks.

I have a cheesehead friend in Wisconsin that says "Hey Jim, ya want me to BRING you to the gas station?" Rather than TAKE me to the gas station.

on Jun 15, 2009


Oh, and "I like these" or "I like this one" NOT "I like these one's"


on Jun 16, 2009

i hear this a lot

i hafta instead of

i have to   

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